"Dream Art", watercolor
"Ballade to Mature Beauty", acrylic |
"Sharpening One Another", acrylic
"Colour My Life", watercolor
"Oh the Night is Blue", acrylic
"Wild Blooms", watercolor
"Enlightened", acrylic |
Yolanda de Castro-Cabuco's art is her personal journey towards her inner self. It is art on introspection and is manifest of her very existence that is anchored on her faith in God. She is a naive artist, a painter of butterflies, mountains, and all other elements of nature in their purest forms. In exuberant strokes and colors of the rainbow, her vision of the world expressed in her works remains untainted.
Yolanda started her painting career rather late in life. Her entry into the Philippine art scene was brought about by a personal crisis. Having undergone brain surgery and having been blessed with a second life, she found her calling in showing God's greatness and love through art. She paints God's creations in various hues to show their magnificence.
There are many artists who produce more outstanding works of art in terms of techniques and composition. But why did I choose to write about the art of Yolanda ? It is because I see her heart in each of her work and that is truly important. For every twist and turn in her life, she paints her unwavering faith on canvas. Painting is her catharsis, painting is her way of exulting the Creator." I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." That is the voice of Vincent Van Gogh's heart and that is what I also hear from the heart of Yolanda de Castro-Cabuco's art.
Yolanda de Castro-Cabuco
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